BrowserUp Internal API


BrowserUp Proxy containers are instrumented with an internal API that can be accessed by scripts running within the container.

In general, the main customer use-case for this API:

  • Adding custom counters (for later use in reports)
  • Adding custom errors (for later use in reports)
  • Verifying that certain conditions are met (for example, that a request/response is present/not present in the traffic captured in the HAR)

This internal REST API can be used for the following items:

Class Method HTTP request Description
BrowserUpProxyApi addCounter POST /har/counters Add Custom Counter to the captured traffic har
BrowserUpProxyApi addError POST /har/errors Add Custom Error to the captured traffic har
BrowserUpProxyApi verifyNotPresent POST /verify/not_present/{name} Verify no matching items are present in the captured traffic
BrowserUpProxyApi verifyPresent POST /verify/present/{name} Verify at least one matching item is present in the captured traffic
BrowserUpProxyApi verifySLA POST /verify/sla/{time}/{name} Verify each traffic item matching the criteria meets is below SLA time
BrowserUpProxyApi verifySize POST /verify/size/{size}/{name} Verify matching items in the captured traffic meet the size criteria

Learn more from the documentation at BrowserUpProxyApi.

Note that client libraries are generated from the Swagger/OpenAPI spec in JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Python, and C#. The clients libraries are available in the containers at /home/browserup/clients/lang.